विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस पर हरियाणा कश्यप राजपूत सभा द्वारा -पौधारोपण के प्रथम चरण का शुभारम्भ एवं पौधों निःशुल्क वितरण-अधिक से अधिक बहु उद्देशीय वृक्ष शहतूत लगाने पर जोर।
‘हर घर, हर खेत और हर गाँव में हर जन एक शहतूत का पौधा अवश्य लगाओ और फल, छाया, चारा, ईंधन, रेशम व साथ में रोजगार भी पाओ’ ये आह्वान हरियाणा कश्यप राजपूत सभा के साहित्यिक एवं सांस्कृतिक सैल के चेयरमैन एवं जिला प्रधान राजेश कश्यप ने ‘विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस’ पर पौधारोपण अभियान के प्रथम चरण का शुभारम्भ करते हुए समस्त समाज के लोगों से किया। श्री कश्यप ने अपने अध्यक्षीय संबोधन में कहा कि शहतूत बहुवृक्षीय, बहुउद्देशीय, बहु-औषधीय, छायादार, पर्यावरण सहायक एवं रोजगारदायक पौधा है, क्योंकि इस पेड़ से रेशम का उत्पादन, टहनियों से टोकरे-टोकरियों का निर्माण, फलों से अनेक औषधियों का निर्माण, पशुओं का चारा और सस्ता एवं सुलभ ईंधन प्राप्त होता है। चेयरमैन राजेश कश्यप ने आगे कहा कि शहतूत के गुणों से समाज को परिचित करवाने के लिए विशेष अभियान चलाया जाएगा। इस अवसर पर उन्होंने शहतूत के पौधों का निःशुल्क वितरण भी किया। हरियाणा कश्यप राजपूत सभा, रोहतक द्वारा पौधारोपण अभियान के प्रथम चरण के दौरान शहतूत, नीम, आम, आड़ू, गुलाब, बेरी आदि सैंकड़ों फलदार, छायादार एवं औषधीय पौधे लगाए गए। पे्रस सचिव अन्नू कश्यप ने बताया कि इस अभियान के अगले चरणों के दौरान सभी ब्लॉकों के गाँवों में पौधारोपण किया जाएगा। खजांची सत्यवान कश्यप ने कहा कि वि’व पर्यावरण संरक्षण के अभियान में क’यप समाज ने भी सक्रिय भूमिका निभाने के लिए कमर कस ली है। वरिष्ठ सदस्य महेन्द्र सिंह क’यप ने कहा कि पौधा रोपण के प्रति जागरूकता पैदा करने के लिए जबरदस्त अभियान चलाया जाएगा। इस अवसर पर सत्यवान कश्यप, महेन्द्र सिंह कश्यप, जयभगवान कश्यप, अन्नू कश्यप, मनोज कश्यप, पवन क’यप, विनोद कश्यप, श्रीमती शरतल क’यप, श्रीमती कैलाशो देवी, श्रीमती सीमा कश्यप सहित कई पदाधिकारियों एवं समाज के गणमान्य लोगों ने पर्यावरण-प्रदूषण पर गहरी चिन्ता जताई और पर्यावरण संरक्षण के लिए अधिक से अधिक पेड़-पौधे लगाने का संकल्प लिया। पौधारोपण अभियान में हरियाणा कश्यप राजपूत सभा के सभी पदाधिकारियों, सदस्यों एवं समाज के अन्य गणमान्य लोगों ने बढ़चढ़कर भाग लिया।
प्रेस कटिंग्स
7 टिप्पणियां:
Kashyap Rajputs is a hindu caste found in the states of Haryana, Punjab and J&K in India. They are also known as Dhimar, Jimar or Jhinwar. They claim to be descended from Kashyap Rishi, who is said to have lived during the time of Lord Ram. They are found through out Haryana, and in that state speak Haryanvi. The community is divided into the Hindu and Sikh Jhinwar. These two groupings are effectively separate communities, with no intermarriage among them. The Jhinwar are said to be by origin Kahars.
Present Circumstances
The community is divided into different clans such as the Antal, Badran, Baison, Bhatiara, Bhatti, Brahia, Khokhar, Chalag, Chauhan, Dhonchak, Dhora, Gadri, Hadda, Inan, Inar, Jalan, Jhoka, Kalan, and Tuar. They are a strictly endogamous, but practice clan exogamy. The community speaks Haryanvi, Dogri etc., the Sikh Jhinwar also speaking Punjabi. Traditionally the Jhinwar were water carriers and palanquin bearers, but both these occupations have been abandoned. They are found mainly in Kotli and Mirpur districts. A small number are now farmers, but a greater number are landless agricultural labourers or daily wage labourers. A large number of the community are now operating road side restaurants/dhaba's, a trade that seems to have been monopolized by the Jhinwar / Kashyap Rajputs.
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Who_are_kashyap_rajputs#ixzz1G8UnnPA6
Thankas rajash ji app sbe kaKashyap Rajputs is a hindu caste found in the states of Haryana, Punjab and J&K in India. They are also known as Dhimar, Jimar or Jhinwar. They claim to be descended from Kashyap Rishi, who is said to have lived during the time of Lord Ram. They are found through out Haryana, and in that state speak Haryanvi. The community is divided into the Hindu and Sikh Jhinwar. These two groupings are effectively separate communities, with no intermarriage among them. The Jhinwar are said to be by origin Kahars.
Rama's meeting with Kevat - The boatman (a citizen of Nishad's kingdom) who
helped them cross the Ganges.
During Rama's sojourn in the forest he met vari & shy;ous devotees. One of the
most interesting of such encounters is that with Kevat, a simple boatman. Sri
Rama wanted to cross the river and he asked the boatman Kevat to ferry him
across. Kevat refused to take Rama on his boat until he was allowed to wash
Rama's feet.
In Hinduism washing the feet of one's beloved God or teacher is considered a
great privilege not accessible to many.
Kevat, after having washed Rama's feet, took the divine trio Rama, Sita and
Lakshmana across the river. When Rama wanted to give him a ring as a payment for
Kevat's services, the latter refused.
He had recognised Rama as God. Kevat claimed that both Rama and he were in the
same profession. Both ferried people across; he, Kevat, did it across the river
whereas Rama ferried his devotees from Earth to Heaven, from Death to
Kevat told Rama that since Rama owed him a service, he should promise to safely
ferry Kevat to God's land of Love and Plenty when his time comes.
Hindus believe that only a Bhakta (Devotee) has he privilege to talk on such a
personal level. A Bhakta truly loves, and love makes one fearless.
Rama came to Kevat. Kevat did not have to go to Rama.
Rama's meeting with Kevat - The boatman (a citizen of Nishad's kingdom) who
helped them cross the Ganges.
During Rama's sojourn in the forest he met vari & shy;ous devotees. One of the
most interesting of such encounters is that with Kevat, a simple boatman. Sri
Rama wanted to cross the river and he asked the boatman Kevat to ferry him
across. Kevat refused to take Rama on his boat until he was allowed to wash
Rama's feet.
In Hinduism washing the feet of one's beloved God or teacher is considered a
great privilege not accessible to many.
Kevat, after having washed Rama's feet, took the divine trio Rama, Sita and
Lakshmana across the river. When Rama wanted to give him a ring as a payment for
Kevat's services, the latter refused.
He had recognised Rama as God. Kevat claimed that both Rama and he were in the
same profession. Both ferried people across; he, Kevat, did it across the river
whereas Rama ferried his devotees from Earth to Heaven, from Death to
Kevat told Rama that since Rama owed him a service, he should promise to safely
ferry Kevat to God's land of Love and Plenty when his time comes.
Hindus believe that only a Bhakta (Devotee) has he privilege to talk on such a
personal level. A Bhakta truly loves, and love makes one fearless.
Rama came to Kevat. Kevat did not have to go to Rama.
community is mehra[kashyap rajput]
kashyap rajput sikh is who are fearless and brave
kashyp rajput Pride is in my mind,
kashyp rajput is in my kind.
So step aside n lemme thrugh,
Cuz itz all abot kashyp rajput crew.
mehra love is all around,
For my fellow mehra[kashyap rajput]frndz, never let me down.
Show your pride and say it true,
Cuz kashyap rajput[mehra] blood flows through you
kashyap rajput[mehra] JAANE JANDE NE APNE MAST SUBA LYI.
____clans in mehra caste--Behal, Samala, Dehn, Sinhotra, Lendichuk and Memotra, mahlotra,chabra,randon,dingye,mamotra,dari,dhingre, Parmar, Powar, Parotia, Jadhav, Shinde and
Brief History
The Jhinwar are a Hindu caste found in the states of Haryana, Punjab and J&K in India. They are also known as Dhimar, Jimar and Kashyap Rajputs. The Jhinwar claim to be descended from Kashyap Rishi, who is said to have lived during the time of Lord Ram. They are found through out Haryana, and in that state speak Haryanvi. The community is divided into the Hindu and Sikh Jhinwar. These two groupings are effectively separate communities, with no intermarriage among them. The Jhinwar are said to be by origin Kahars.
Present Circumstances
The community is divided into different clans such as the Antal, Badran, Baison, Bhatiara, Bhatti, Brahia, Khokhar, Chalag, Chauhan, Dhonchak, Dhora, Gadri, Hadda, Inan, Inar, Jalan, Jhoka, Kalan, and Tuar. They are a strictly endogamous, but practice clan exogamy. The community speaks Haryanvi, Dogri etc., the Sikh Jhinwar also speaking Punjabi. Traditionally the Jhinwar were water carriers and palanquin bearers, but both these occupations have been abandoned. They are found mainly in Kotli and Mirpur districts. A small number are now farmers, but a greater number are landless agricultural labourers or daily wage labourers. A large number of the community are now operating road side restaurants/dhaba’s, a trade that seems to have been monopolized by the Jhinwar / Kashyap Rajputs.
Antal is not a jhimmar dhimmar antal is rajput caste and gotra of kashyap
एक टिप्पणी भेजें